To further my understanding of the habits of taking selfies and the reasons behind them, I used the ‘Selfitis Behaviour Scale’ questions as a basis for the questions. (Balakrishnan and Griffiths 2017)
The questionnaire was created in Google Docs to remove the limit of 100 respondents that Survey Monkey currently has. A link was posted to all social media channels, WhatsApp and Canvas. I promoted the social media posts as a paid boost and targetted 13 – 21 year-olds. This boost was necessary to widen the participation to include younger people (as the demographic of my social networks does not include this age group, and they are very likely to post selfies regularly).
Balakrishnan, J. and Griffiths, M.D. 2017. “An Exploratory Study of “Selfitis” and the Development of the Selfitis Behavior Scale”. In International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 16(3), 722-736.